Duration : 0:58

Downloads : 162033

This is an early preview of the sequel to Tripping The Rift.
Check the author's site for more pictures, storyboards...
Check the author's site for more pictures, storyboards...

on 21 February 2009
its good but its too short.if there was a full length.it would be better
its good but its too short.if there was a full length.it would be better
on 21 December 2008
thank you for this videos
thank you for this videos
on 30 August 2005
where can i find more sex scenes with six in them.thanks
where can i find more sex scenes with six in them.thanks
on 19 March 2005
We now have Ripping the Rift on chanel "Teletoon"in the province of Quebec..Canada.Real cool, love it, watch it every Sat.& Sunday night with my family . Marika
We now have Ripping the Rift on chanel "Teletoon"in the province of Quebec..Canada.Real cool, love it, watch it every Sat.& Sunday night with my family . Marika
on 7 October 2004
Sysinfo: Never
TTR 2 was in the works for a long time, and then the rights to TTR were purchased by the Sci-Fi channel. Chris and Chuck never released TTR2, and no longer have the rights to... so if anyone ever is going to, it'll be sci-fi... which I doubt they will.
Sysinfo: Never
TTR 2 was in the works for a long time, and then the rights to TTR were purchased by the Sci-Fi channel. Chris and Chuck never released TTR2, and no longer have the rights to... so if anyone ever is going to, it'll be sci-fi... which I doubt they will.
on 14 April 2004
Brilliant When is Tripping 2 coming out, and is there a full length version
Brilliant When is Tripping 2 coming out, and is there a full length version
on 23 March 2004
When will we get it in Canada ???????I saw a few episode on the net... it seems very good....
When will we get it in Canada ???????I saw a few episode on the net... it seems very good....
on 14 September 2003
magic just magic, cheers me up everyday. you should make a movie i would buy it. steve..
magic just magic, cheers me up everyday. you should make a movie i would buy it. steve..
on 23 October 2002
Just read the news on the web site...TTR is no more!!!No episode 2,or nothing approaching that which we have anxiously been awaiting patiently.
From the horses mouth,the corporates have taken over,jettisoned the creators and poisoned the original concept.Just goes to show;the Net is Never Never Land and the Corporate fat cats are Capt. Hook!Support the Lost Boys and visit darkbunny.com,and forget the pale imitation that is now sadly TTR,whenever it appears.After all,it's just not coke!I would appeal to everybody to download what they can of the Original,before the Hook decides that he owns that lot as well.Corporates and Copyright are poluting the Net that we all love so well.You have been warned!
Just read the news on the web site...TTR is no more!!!No episode 2,or nothing approaching that which we have anxiously been awaiting patiently.
From the horses mouth,the corporates have taken over,jettisoned the creators and poisoned the original concept.Just goes to show;the Net is Never Never Land and the Corporate fat cats are Capt. Hook!Support the Lost Boys and visit darkbunny.com,and forget the pale imitation that is now sadly TTR,whenever it appears.After all,it's just not coke!I would appeal to everybody to download what they can of the Original,before the Hook decides that he owns that lot as well.Corporates and Copyright are poluting the Net that we all love so well.You have been warned!
on 16 August 2002
tripping the riff was awesome just found it showed it to everyone at work they thought it was great waiting for next verison,
tripping the riff was awesome just found it showed it to everyone at work they thought it was great waiting for next verison,
on 31 May 2002
"six on legs....there's nothing more to be said"
"six on legs....there's nothing more to be said"
on 15 March 2002
the full length sample on trippingtherift is the funniest animated movie i've ever scene. everyone i've showed it to laughed a ton...looking forword to more....
the full length sample on trippingtherift is the funniest animated movie i've ever scene. everyone i've showed it to laughed a ton...looking forword to more....
on 10 December 2001
i love TTR. where can i download the whole sequel? trippingtherift.com seems to be down.
i love TTR. where can i download the whole sequel? trippingtherift.com seems to be down.
on 22 November 2001
I thought the first movie was so f*****g funny.Cant wait for the full version of the second one.May there be MANY more :o)
I thought the first movie was so f*****g funny.Cant wait for the full version of the second one.May there be MANY more :o)
on 31 October 2001
Beware! If you don't like foul language you should not download this. The first episode got away with it because of the character development. I hope the TTR team can play off the characters rather than resort to bad language in their upcomming sequel. (**---)
Beware! If you don't like foul language you should not download this. The first episode got away with it because of the character development. I hope the TTR team can play off the characters rather than resort to bad language in their upcomming sequel. (**---)
on 17 October 2001
This was one of the best movies ever! I recommend that everyone see's it, and buys it on DVD or VHS.
Tripping the Rift!!, all the way!!
This was one of the best movies ever! I recommend that everyone see's it, and buys it on DVD or VHS.
Tripping the Rift!!, all the way!!
on 12 October 2001
very, interesting work.....please send the other parts..
very, interesting work.....please send the other parts..