Duration : 0:28

Downloads : 31167

Become a bird for 30 seconds and fly among the mountains.

on 7 September 2006
Looks pretty good.
It could do with a bit more than just going round in a circle though. I know it would take quite a bit of work but it would definetely make it a lot better.
Looks pretty good.
It could do with a bit more than just going round in a circle though. I know it would take quite a bit of work but it would definetely make it a lot better.
on 5 July 2002
Hey, I liked this one a lot... reminds me of flying in a Cessna (maybe a little faster than a Cessna...). In any case, I loved it. Only ideas I have are like Nick and with more worlds and animals, and maybe some other camera transitions.
Hey, I liked this one a lot... reminds me of flying in a Cessna (maybe a little faster than a Cessna...). In any case, I loved it. Only ideas I have are like Nick and with more worlds and animals, and maybe some other camera transitions.
on 14 April 2002
It sucks! I mean, sure it took a lot of talent, but I've never wasted my time so quickly. You deserve the low, low rating of 1. Make something that's fun to look at or listen to. Don't waste everyone's time with your shitty little clip.
This is Jamaica signing off
It sucks! I mean, sure it took a lot of talent, but I've never wasted my time so quickly. You deserve the low, low rating of 1. Make something that's fun to look at or listen to. Don't waste everyone's time with your shitty little clip.
This is Jamaica signing off
on 5 January 2002
Hey their should be more of these fly through clip, only in different time periods and different animals, like a dragon in the olden days
Hey their should be more of these fly through clip, only in different time periods and different animals, like a dragon in the olden days
on 4 October 2001
I like it and its very well animated, but not very interesting to look at.
I like it and its very well animated, but not very interesting to look at.
on 29 June 2001
Ok for a start, this is a great animation. It was made using free software and not a budget fakers 3d program like bryce. It useful and looks great, stop judging it badly.For what it is it tops the lot.
Ok for a start, this is a great animation. It was made using free software and not a budget fakers 3d program like bryce. It useful and looks great, stop judging it badly.For what it is it tops the lot.
on 27 February 2001
You can do this in 5 minutes by using Terragen : http://www.planetside.co.uk/ and Terranim : http://terranim.cjb.net/
Only the rendering could be very long... ;-)
You can do this in 5 minutes by using Terragen : http://www.planetside.co.uk/ and Terranim : http://terranim.cjb.net/
Only the rendering could be very long... ;-)
on 31 January 2001
I beleive this was done using the great Terragen, not Bryce. It's [the clip] freakin' great.
I beleive this was done using the great Terragen, not Bryce. It's [the clip] freakin' great.
on 21 January 2001
Nice loop..
nice mountians nice lake...
but that's it :(
Nice loop..
nice mountians nice lake...
but that's it :(
on 15 January 2001
Well , that is a great Bryce Movie ,
there is no animation , no story , a camera flying around ...
Ok , the mountains and the lake very beautyfull.
IF I am wrong with the bryce thing , tell it before the clip .
Loïc Surprenant
Well , that is a great Bryce Movie ,
there is no animation , no story , a camera flying around ...
Ok , the mountains and the lake very beautyfull.
IF I am wrong with the bryce thing , tell it before the clip .
Loïc Surprenant