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Statues Quo

4.01/5 (252 votes)
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Statues quo is a story of jealousy ,envy and what happens if your name and status is taken by someone else.
- From the creator of Wishful Thinking, this is the work of his second semester of his 3rd year in college... one more year left to go.
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reblchick on 27 March 2003
I love this work A LOT on account of I can connect to Donatello's David's feelings (poor guy) 'cos it wasn't too long ago when I had to endure art history classes. :) Although the overall mood was pretty sombre, David Sr. and Jr. had their 'moments' like when Sr. was scratching his butt!! The bronze rendering on Jr. was really nicely done but I think Sr. could use a little more work..
Keep them coming!!
None on 19 December 2001
100% inspiring and fan-tas-tic
Dj Seb on 21 October 2001
This Movie Was Very Good But I Wish Somewhone
could A Webite were you Download the whole movie of Scary Movie
If You now about a website with it E-Mail Me
at [email protected] Pleeeeaaase Somebody(RememberIt Has to be free)
humberto on 22 September 2001
amazing work ... just perfect
nurya on 7 September 2001
great movie, just fantastic !!!
biguser on 5 September 2001
Nice Work!
Creator - Oren Ben-Tov on 1 September 2001
More comments will be welcome.
Any things to improve?
Creator - Oren Ben-Tov on 24 August 2001
Thanks everybody...:)
I did this movie with my p3 866,512mb,geforce1 card, for the rendering I used a little big help from my brother`s p2 400,and my mom`s p2 300.All the movie was done in 3dmax3.1, no motion-capture has been used.
J Newbegin on 24 August 2001
Great Job! I really enjoy your work you will be a great animator in the industry in no time. I just graduated myself but haven't had the time to make any films yet. Your work is really inspiring I love the fact that you can express emotions so well in your characters and your sense of timing is excellent.

Keep up the great work.

Moho on 23 August 2001
Great work.
Can you tell us how strong is your machine?
Matt on 23 August 2001
Great Stuff Oren, and nice to see a short with a good ending - they seem to be hard to come by!
One thing though is that maybe you need to talk to your teacher about plain vanilla stuff like cinematic rather than CG technique. You 'crossed the line' quite jarringly in one instance, and used dissolves rather than straight cuts - which indicated a passage of time when it was inappropriate to do so.
- And if that was a 'matrix' shot in there I'm gonna scream! ;)

That's just my two cents though - I really liked it!
Howeird on 23 August 2001
Very cool!
Hope to hear none of that was mocap.
Very nice story and animation!
Too bad it wasnt in Lightwave! hehe
InnerVortex on 23 August 2001
wel... i must say it really impressed me
the idea is great.. really great and the execusion is .. with great kuallity
i just notice some anatomy...errors..or.. well the miguel angelo's david is a bit wierd.. i say that cose i used to draw it...and is not much like that...
well but anyway thats a great animation and thats what matters
::greg on 23 August 2001
This is a very good site. As an amateur film maker myself, I find it very pleasing to see other short films accessable over the .net. Keep it coming!
Creator - Oren Ben-Tov on 22 August 2001
Any comments would be very much appreciated.
This movie was made in about 3 month(modeling,animation and a week and a half left for render)
with 3d max 3.1.

Mista Ste on 22 August 2001
Good work. I am also a student in Seneca College, Ontario, Canada. My coures is Digital Media Technical Production. Just interested in knowing what software you used for your this movie and Wishful. I play wishful for my daughter on my handheld pc all the time. She loves it.
I'm looking forward to your next movie.

Mista Ste
L. DaVinci on 21 August 2001
A really good one ... let hope there come a lot more of these.

Yow, DV