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donwloadUploaded on 26/3/02
Inculta, that is the story of Enola. In a not too distant future she will be scouring the devastated earth as one of the last survivors of the human race. All of a sudden and through no fault of hers, the discovery of some little item, exposes her to the danger of death..."
We created this 5 min. short film within our second semester at the German Film School. The short was produced within a period of 2 1/2 months.

Authors: Christian Deister, Alexander Hupperich, Manuel Macha, Paul Dreisen, Wolf Reimers, Florian Zachau
Sounddesign: Stefan Albertz, Guido le Fric
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Kitano on 30 July 2003
Very awesome. I thought it had a futuristic Noah's Ark sort of feel. Heh.
Cardinal on 15 January 2003
I hope to see more !
A must-see.
chiva on 13 April 2002
Wonderful and :) a touch of "human" education .... hope to see some more works similar
Manuel Macha on 13 April 2002
it`s nice to see, that other young people get inspired by our movie, too. thanks for your clever comment.
cu manuel
pixelwks on 28 March 2002
Wow, so beautiful to look at! I have to agree with other comments though, the character animation was very basic.

Keep going with it! Your almost there!
Jand on 27 March 2002
Pros: Excellent intro, great music, good moood overall, competent modelling, wonderful finish.

Cons: Stiff and slow character animation. No snap and secondary. Sufffers from the slowmotion syndrom, could have used more time on this instead on the environment modelling.
Astro on 27 March 2002
WOW! Watch this story or I will kick your ass.
Cpt. Dirk on 27 March 2002
A must-see.
Excellent in both story and technical, even so one can see the generation by computer on the girl as well as on the man. But modelling humans is quite tough. Whish I could do it just half as good.
tom on 27 March 2002
Lambi on 27 March 2002
Ha, first one! ;-)
Seriously: Great one, u gotta dl it! Also got some nice music scores in it.