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Austin Powers 3

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donwloadUploaded on 20/12/01
Yeah Baby Year ! The Austin Power 3 movie trailer !
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ronsom_joe on 15 July 2005
From : Alotta Fagina
2002-10-04 12:28:00 (CET) (Posted from : )

"Unfortunately the "surprise ending" ruined any further Austin Powers movies :("

Actually Scottie became evil at the end making it possible for a new one
dik on 5 January 2004
Mini Me on 15 January 2003
Alotta Fagina on 4 October 2002
Ok I've seen the movie and to clear things up:
Verne Troyer plays Mini-Me and Mini Austin because they are one and the same. Mini-Me changes sides and joins the M.O.D, he stops being a 1/8th size Dr Evil and dresses up as Mini Austin. He still has that scar too. And the movie was great, better than the first but the second movie was probably better. Unfortunately the "surprise ending" ruined any further Austin Powers movies :(
James on 30 August 2002
This is a great movie!!
PROUDpPICAN on 23 July 2002
miri on 24 April 2002
I LOVE Dr.Evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOkeeeyy!I hope to see the new movie soon in Germany!!!!!!!!Böse weltbeherrschungspläne sind bekloppt!Aber aller was gut ist, ist falsch.und was falsch ist, ost BÖSE!!!!Nobody nows what i want to say?No? OK!
viele grüße an kat
Sherrevka_Tumbezaski on 28 March 2002
Ce film est le plus nickédélique qui soit.
Entre développeur de pénis suedois a pompe et cybergonze, Numéro magistral de mike myers dans des etats que seul lui sait atteindre!!!
Ziman on 28 March 2002
Well, Majestyk, and for all those who doubt, FOR THE RECORD...

Verne Troyer IS the same guy who played Mini-Me AND plays Mini Austin... the proof is on IMDB.,+Verne
Enigma on 15 February 2002
I have just looked at the superbowl trailer, all I can say is look at the pose mini-austin is in.. A clue to who mini-austin really is ;)

TheBrakster on 13 February 2002
I don't think the mini-austin is part of the movie, I think it was just for trailer sake. AS you can see, Verne Troyer (mini-me and mini-austin) still has the Dr. Evil's obviously a spoof. Mike Meyers has made so much Austin money, he can easily afford that big number for a preview alone.
J. Rinier on 6 February 2002
The movie looks excellent. If any of you saw the trailer played during superbowl, it looks even better!! However, we may be happy that the third movie is coming out, sadly it's been confirmed, that this will be the third, and final installment of the Austin Powers series due to the lawsuit from 007.
Majestyk on 6 February 2002
You haven't even seen this one yet. I wouldn't judge too quickly.

And for the record, the guy who plays Mini Austin is NOT the same guy who plays Mini Me.
Barrel on 4 February 2002
Yeah Baby Yeah!

cool film cool trailer very shagadelic!!
@ngel on 3 February 2002
I think that the real Austin Powers is much better and funnier then the Mini Austin. I think that the first and the second movie were better then this.
Thomas on 30 January 2002

Mr. on 26 January 2002
When I first saw it... my first expression was just "nooooooo way are they going to have a mini" and then they showed the mini Austin Powers. I can't wait to see where they are going to go with this one :)
perdita on 22 January 2002
my brothers told me about the trailer and i just had to see it for myself. i can't wait for the movie!
Dick on 8 January 2002
This movie's looks so good even my Girlfiend who hates Austin, said this looks Groovy Baby Yeah !!
ed on 8 January 2002
my god that looks moronic, even worse then the first 2, which is pretty hard. that's one movie i'm gonna have to take a big pass on seeing
chels on 5 January 2002
Who is the actor that plays mini-austin in this trailer?? Is it the same guy who played mini-me in the last one???? Besides my questions - I thought this was a very exciting trailer!
every man wants to be me on 3 January 2002
when i watch it i might tell you about it. don't forget i said i might, which means probaly not so please hold your breathe
Hov on 21 December 2001
Thom2k1 on 21 December 2001
This is a well gud trailer I recommend this to plpl who luv Austin Powers Movies!!!!